This course examines Hindu religion and culture viewed especially but not exclusively in terms of its multiple expressions in India. The course is divided into three parts. Part One addresses major themes in Hinduism by exploring such topics as myth and narrative, social order, yoga (bodily discipline), bhakti (devotion), and the gods (e.g. Vishnu, Siva) and goddesses (e.g. Devi, Kali). Drawing on Part One, Part Two focuses on a recent and controversial study of sainthood and sexuality in modern Hinduism. Part Two will include intensive group work and discussion. In Part Three, students will present internet-based research projects that engage a theme in Hinduism that resonates with their own particular disciplinary interests. Some students may find a research project on Hindu art compelling, others a project on gender roles, etc. Students will be required to consult with the professor about the direction of their projects by the middle of the semester.
Fall 2007