A Virtual learning environment
(VLE) or course management system (CMS)
is a software system designed to facilitate teachers in the
management of educational courses for their students, especially
by helping teachers and learners with course administration. The
system can often track the learners' progress, which can be
monitored by both teachers and learners. While often thought of
as primarily tools for distance education, they are most often
used to supplement the face-to-face classroom.
These systems usually run on servers, to serve
the course to students as internet pages.
Components of these systems usually include
templates for content pages, discussion forums, chat, quizzes and
exercises such as multiple-choice, true/false and
one-word-answer. Teachers fill in these templates and then
release them for learners to use. New features in these systems
include blogs and RSS. Services generally provided include access
control, provision of e-learning content, communication tools,
and administration of the user groups.
Here you will find some easy to use tutorials for Moodle.